“Wait, you wax buttholes for a living?”

“How did you even get into this???”

I get asked constantly by both clients and acquaintances how I wound up in the waxing field at all and why TF I would want to specialize in Brazilian waxing. For every person that asks, I am also confident that there are those who are morbidly curious but too afraid to ask. Enter this blog post! All your questions + curiosities around my career track, answered.

Chapter 1: College…Ew

When I graduated from high school, I had so much dread to go to college that I took a semester off + worked at a warehouse repackaging used video games. I enjoyed showing up, working peacefully with my hands, getting paid + going home. However, this couldn’t last forever according to my family + the rules of society. The only way I could stomach going to college was to go somewhere really awesome outside of my dreary hometown of York, PA. I enrolled at College of Charleston in South Carolina, hoping that I could trick myself into thinking that I was embarking on an important journey by paying out of my ass for a degree.

At college, I had a really hard time picking a major because nothing really felt like a good fit. I took some classes I thought I would do okay at, having depleted much of my motivation + brain power trying to storm through the Honors college track program in high school. I became high-functioning depressed + started running 4 miles every morning of every day to try to keep meeting my high need for accomplishment. However, even that had to end when I gained a stalker who worked outside of the yacht club. By spring break of my freshman year, I begged my mom to let me drop out of college to sell arts + crafts on Etsy. The answer was no, so I dragged myself back to school + declared my major as French, my best subject in high school.

I begrudgingly finished up my BA after moving to Tennessee, asking myself what TF was supposed to be next for me. I felt like I hated everything, like I was a living a life of someone else’s design. Even when I completed an academic-year study abroad, I enjoyed my time in France but also made friends with ESL teachers who had to work second jobs. Turns out that teaching jobs don’t pay well in other countries, either. Too tired of academia to pursue the MA in French necessary to do translation work at the government level, I decided to give my depressing-ass life the heave-ho + embark on a new path. The only alternative was to be miserable, so I really had nothing to lose.

Chapter 2: Brazilian Queen in Training

After clocking out of beauty school at my 750th hour, I landed a job at a local commercial wax chain. While a beauty school Brazilian was an hour-long, soft wax, physical + emotional painfest, my new place of employment boasted super easy 15-minute waxes, which at the time seemed intimidating AF. I get asked a lot if it was ever weird being around or touching naked people, but the answer for me is no. However, it was nerve-wracking wondering if you were ever going to rip off someone’s labia.

After learning the ropes, honing my skills + experiencing a few ✨wax-idents✨, I learned something: I absolutely loved my job. I got to have the coolest, most fun conversations with really interesting women that I would never meet otherwise. I also came to love the stability of doing the exact same thing all day, not to mention the sheer satisfaction of ripping out hair + pulling up ingrowns! I quickly grew to love my job, minus a few details regarding the company I worked for. But, I was happier than I had been in years. Feedback from my clients about my demeanor + my technique told me I was exactly where I needed to be: working with women + making money with my hands. The gray, heavy filter of seriousness that high school + college had stained my mind with, lifted. Life became simple, easy + fun!

The only question became: what’s next for me? Stay tuned for the next episode where I tell the origin story of my business!!! 🔥


Lauren 💖🐏


WTF do we talk about during a wax??
