Welcome to my Monthly Faves!

Happy end of December babes! 🎄 This is the first post in a new series here on the blog where I share a handful of things I was loving the month before, from stuff I use at work to everything else in between.

With all the uncertainty that seems to be an integral part of our daily lives now, I’ve noticed that I take so much more pleasure in smaller things. I don’t know about you, but life for me has become more about comfort + simplicity lately.

For anyone curious, I am optimistic that life will feel comfortable + familiar again one day soon, but until then I felt inspired to share the material objects that bring me serotonin through it all! Enjoy! <3

What I Loved in December

  1. Glymed Plus Comfort Cream

    What was waxing life before this?? If you’ve booked a brow or facial wax recently, you’ve seen me whip this out of the skincare fridge. This cream is a mega-concentrated aloe base designed to soothe skin after professional treatments. As someone who looks like a straight up tomato after waxing my face, this cream from Glymed has been an absolute game changer. I love that it lets me leave my room + get lunch without anyone knowing I just waxed my moustache. :’)

  2. Just the Strip Pre + Post Wax Oil

    I used to be a cleanse-oil-powder type of girl. That has now been revolutionized by this DIVINE AF pre/post wax oil from one of my fave aftercare brands, Just the Strip. The citrus pine vanilla scent smells amazing, first and foremost. I think I have actually forced some of you to smell it so I know you agree. Secondly, I love how it simultaneously conditions the hair + protects the skin. I find that the hard wax I use works beautifully with this oil — less breaking + cracking, more grippiness on the actual hair. I also want to say that I have noticed a lot less redness/tenderness on all of my clients since switching to this method! Win-win-win.

  3. chobani cookies & cream coffee creamer

    Some things we just love for pure nostalgia. Oddly enough, this is one of those things. In high school circa 2009 I went to the mall with my friend + my boyfriend and they wanted to go to a coffee shop. I hated coffee, but I was 15. My boyfriend ordered some kind of Oreo caramel frozen coffee frappe thing (a non-Starbucks frappuccino) + it was incredibly delicious. I absolutely love all things Oreo, I have since I was a kid. Now in my hectic adult life, I drink this coffee creamer + listen to “Simple Times” by Kacey Musgraves.

  4. midnight sun

    Back to 2008 amirite??? Speaking of nostalgia, I loved invoking the version of myself that wore low-rise Hollister boot cut jeans with this new(ish) addition to The Twilight Saga. Was it good? Who cares. This was a total comfort read + I loved every minute of it. I would call it a guilty pleasure, but that would imply that I actually felt shame at any point, which I didn’t.

  5. passion planner

    Ode to Passion Planner!!!! I love thee. Thanks for helping me get my shit together since 2019. I’m so utterly bewitched by these planners mind, body + soul that I actually bought two this year — one weekly to use for big picture planning, as well as a daily to use as more of a journal. 1000% worth it if you are busy + disorganized like myself!

  6. Just the Strip Smooth Operator Wipes

    Holy ingrown hair healing Batman!! I already know how everyone feels about these tbh so there isn’t much to say except WOWOWOWOWWOWOW. My new year’s resolution for 2022 is to actually keep these in stock.

I hope you enjoyed the first installment of my monthly faves! I wish you all a very happy + magical holiday season! 🎄


Lauren 🐏💖


“Wait, you wax buttholes for a living?”


MY FIRST WAX! (+ what I wish it would have been)