WTF do we talk about during a wax??

Wanna know something kind of hilarious?

My boyfriend didn’t realize that I make conversation with you guys during your appointments. He was like, what would you even talk about?? 💀 On the other hand, how awkward would it be to just sit there in silence, half naked, wondering WTF we’re both thinking about???? Weird.

Then it hit me that maybe other people don’t realize that their wax is supposed to be fun + comfortable, or maybe they are shy, or maybe they don’t know what to talk about, or they just want to know what the vibe will be like when they come in! That’s why I’m here to take away some of the stress + awkwardness with some fun conversation ideas! ✨

Let’s talk about…

if ryan reynolds as hot as straight men think he is

Is he a hunk or does he look like the lovechild of a toothbrush + the hamster from Hamsterdance? I’m still scratching my head on this one.

The best discontinued soda flavors

Are you also a Crystal Pepsi person????? Should we start a petition??

all of your tmi questions

There is no better time or place!!!! Ask me anything about vulva care, etc

tales of the sad water sign men i have dated

Enough said, I could literally write a book series tbh!!!

anything at all that makes you angry

Honestly, we can feed off each other. It’s therapeutic, I think?

general thoughts on y2k fashion

I saw a micro-mini skirt at American Eagle a month ago. Did that need to come back???

where men get the audacity


recommendations for literally anything

Especially coffee. Let’s discuss our favorite local spots!

our favorite comfort shows

Who would win in a fight: Anthony Bridgerton or Joey Tribbiani??

If it even matters if we ever repay our debts to tom nook

I owe him 2 million bells, should I actually pay it y/n??

local event alerts!!!!

Since I live under a rock, I love that you guys tell me about local concerts + festivals!!! I probably can’t go bc of work, but it’s still nice to be informed <3

team edward vs team jacob

This will never NOT be relevant!!!!!! If you want to find out my opinion, you gotta ask. ;)

Or, Nothing at all!

There is never any pressure to make conversation if you just aren’t feeling it! We all have days where we just can’t find the mental energy to produce a sentence. My only goal is to make you guys comfortable + happy!

Most of all, I want you all to know that I created The Waxing Aries to be a fun, cozy, judgment-free zone. You can talk to me about anything, anytime!

And if you feel inspired by any of my ideas, please strike up the convo at your next appointment! I’m dying to know if we feel the same way about Ryan Reynolds.


Lauren 🐏💕


Decorating 101: Your Brand IRL!


“Wait, you wax buttholes for a living?”