

It’s simple: waxing should be comfortable!

The Waxing Aries was created to celebrate body waxing for the intimate, empowering experience that it is. We believe that every woman deserves to feel comfortable, confident, sexy + powerful in her own body. Whether it's your first time getting waxed or if you've had a lame-ass time somewhere else, we have your back!


 The Waxing Aries was inspired by Lauren’s love for astrology and her passion for empowering others.

After being totally disappointed with the client experience at her previous job, Lauren decided to take matters into her own hands and open a place where women would want to get waxed; a place that would actually make them feel good instead of just focusing on speed.

Lauren designed her salon to be comfortable, feminine, fun + a little magical. Come hang out with us + see why we’re awesome!


Lauren, 29

Job: Owner, Waxer

Favorite service: The Gemini

How long have you been waxing: Since 2018!

Desert island must-have: A coffee maker and my cat Taco

Coffee order: Medium caramel macchiato

Fave chick flick: The Princess Diaries or You’ve Got Mail

Team Edward or Team Jacob: Edward for life!

Most embarrassing moment ever: Going down a waterslide at Hershey Park and my swimsuit bottoms falling off

Best advice for a first-time waxer: The anticipation is the worst part!


Amelia, 24

Job: Reception

Favorite service: The Top of My Game

Desert island must-have: My blanket that my grandmother gave me as a child

Coffee order: Medium iced Americano, black, with a little vanilla

Fave chick flick: Me Before You, a must watch when you’re feeling like you need a good cry

Most embarrassing moment ever: In 2020, my fiancé’s sister was getting married. My parents dropped me off at the venue and my fiancé came outside to get me. My parents waited to make sure I wasn’t left outside and right as we started to walk inside my dress flew all the way up. I turned around and my parents were laughing so hard. I was so glad nobody else was around, but my parents have never let me live that moment down.

Best advice for a first time waxer: It’s normal to be nervous, but I promise after your first wax, you’ll be so glad you did it! We are all here to support you and help you feel comfortable. Never forget to exfoliate and moisturize!


Andrea, 33

Job: Waxer

Favorite service: The Gemini

How long have you been waxing: Since 2017

Desert island must have: My Kindle and a baseball cap

Coffee order: Dirty chai latter with oat milk and an extra shot of espresso

Fave chick flick: You’ve Got Mail! Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are my fave 90’s rom com couple! I’ll never tire of this movie

Team Edward or Team Jacob: Team Edward

Most embarrassing moment ever: When I was 12 my family was at an RV park for the day. There were some turkeys in a pen, and next to the turkey pen was a microphone. I proceeded to talk into the microphone about the disgusting state of the pen and how sad the turkeys looked. Upon return to the RV my parents told me I had broadcasted my rant to the entire RV park. I was mortified!

Advice for a first time waxer: Take an ibuprofen an hour before your appointment. Everyone gets nervous before their first wax. I will guide you through the process and it’ll be over before you know it! The results make it worth it.


Are you ready? 

It's a hell yes if...

☆ you’re ready to feel comfortable + confident in your own body

☆ you don’t mind a little regrowth

☆ you really want to get waxed but it seems too scary or uncomfortable

☆ you were freaked out by a bad experience but you want to give waxing another shot

☆ you’re ready to commit to a once-a-month wax + a simple aftercare routine

☆ you have a vulva

This isn’t a match if…

☆ you don’t want to keep up with waxing long-term

☆ you’re getting waxed to please someone other than yourself (a “treat” for your partner)

☆ you absolutely can’t handle having any hair at all

☆ you are looking for full-body services such as legs

☆ you are not prepared to deal with 15 minutes of mild discomfort

☆ you are younger than 18 years old + cannot bring a parent to your appointment



 We know, we’re the bomb. Book your wax and come hangout with us IRL!