MY FIRST WAX! (+ what I wish it would have been)

This is the story of my first ever wax!

A lot of clients ask me what inspired me to get into waxing as a career, but truth is I came into the industry already having an appreciation for this awesome method of body hair removal. That being said, my first wax was not all sunshine and rainbows my friends. I left my very first appointment feeling smooth…but clueless.

First, a little necessary background info! Unlike many people who get into waxing, I was never a shaver. I tried it once. It pretty much sucked as much as it possibly could have, so I filed it under “Never Again” + decided that I would just have to learn to accept the bush (which, I did!).

So then why even get waxed??!

Listen, sometimes you just want to switch it up ya know? Preferences change, trends change, sometimes we want to do something different to customize our bodies + the hair that grows on them. Getting a wax doesn’t mean that you hate your body hair; it just means that at the time of your appointment, you want it gone! Simple as that.

What really sold me on the idea of waxing was that it was low maintenance, sensitive skin friendly + that I would be consciously doing something to groom that area to suit my personal preferences. I knew that I didn’t want to do anything I would have to keep up with daily…or even weekly.

So when I was 22, on my friend’s recommendation, I booked an appointment at a local wax chain. I know, I know, but this was before I knew better!!! I hopped out of my car + headed in the front door feeling pretty nervous, but trying (somewhat successfully?) to keep my cool. Whatever happens, I assured myself, I probably won’t die. Right?

It was over before it even began tbh

I seriously could not tell you what happened in there, whether it’s because I blacked it out or just due to the sheer speed at which it was over.

Here are the few things I actually remember:

☆ It was cold AF in there. The air was cold, the table was cold. This is probably where I started to mentally check out.

☆ It sort of felt like being at the OBGYN. Everything felt really clinical, but at least the supermodels in the marketing posters on the wall seemed to be having a good time! /s

☆ It was totally not as painful as I thought it was going to be!!! This was a huge plus for me obviously.

☆ No one told me anything about aftercare so I assumed there wasn’t any lol

Was it a terrible experience? Absolutely not. But…for such an intimate service, it left me a little cold (literally). I knew absolutely nothing about the person who waxed me, I couldn’t remember her name, I had no idea what she did, or when to come back, or what I should/shouldn’t be doing at home.

I ended up not rebooking, because while the service wasn’t bad, it wasn’t amazing either + I left feeling confused/a little neglected. All in all, I wanted to feel more like I belonged to something instead of being left hanging.

But damn, was my skin smooth! And that was enough to hook me on waxing for life. 🔥

So what happened after that?? I like to think of this experience as the first domino that fell + eventually inspired what I do today! For more on how The Waxing Aries began, stay tuned!

Wishing all of you an amazing holiday week with your loved ones ✨


Lauren 💕




Welcome to The Wax Diaries! 💖